Lavender was found as a terrified stray but has since blossomed into a more confident, sweet natured, young girl. She is initially still shy when meeting new people but with a little time and patience she will soon be looking for attention, ear rubs and cuddles.
Like most Springers, Lavender loves her fun runs around the fields, playing ball but is also happy to have chill time too.
Lavender is currently in foster with 2 other male dogs who she enjoys bossing around when its ball time but we feel she could also now live as an only dog once she has human company for most of the day. Lavender has previously seen very little of life but is doing well learning to walk in traffic while out and about. Ideally she needs a more rural home with a secure garden for extra activities but Lavender would also learn to adapt to a more urban home in time.
In compliance with DAFM legislation, the GalwaySPCA unique certificate number is GPT200022C.
** January**
Lavender was found as a stray in early December. Approximately 14 months old she was already on the streets, with no collar or chip and fending for herself.
Thankfully Lavender had taken shelter in the garden of someone who didn't ignore the terrified huddle that Lavender was at the end of his garden and one of our volunteers headed out to collect her. That same volunteer offered to foster Lavender and so her new life began.
Lavender is a sweet natured and affectionate girl who is shy and nervous, at first, as she needs to get to know and trust new people.
She is currently living with ex GalwaySPCA male doggies and loves their company, so a home with another confident dog would be the perfect situation for Lavender.
She walks well on the lead, travels well in the car and is doing very well with her house training (a few accidents here and there).
Lavender would be best suited to a more rural home, could live with older respectful children and will make a wonderful companion for walks, hikes and adventures.
Lavender is spayed, vaccinated and microchipped.
In compliance with DAFM legislation, the GalwaySPCA unique certificate number is GPT200022C.
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