Leave a Legacy
support the animals in our care after you have gone
If you’re making a will, please think about the animals in the care of the Galway SPCA.
If you’re an animal lover, your legacy can make a real difference to the lives of so many animals – an amazing gift that lasts beyond your lifetime.
Pecuniary Gift
This is a gift of a specific amount of money in your Will. Any gift amount, small or large, is greatly appreciated.
Residuary Gift
This is what is remaining of the assets in your estate once you have looked after your family and loved ones, fulfilled all promises to other beneficiaries and any debts are paid.
Specific Item
This is a gift of a specific item and can be stocks, shares, property, jewellery or artwork, proceeds of a life insurance policy or any other item of value that can be used to help raise funds forour charity.
Codicil to a Will
This is an addition to an existing Will. If you have already made your Will and now decide that you would like to leave a gift to the Galway SPCA, you can make a codicil or an addition to your original will.
Gifts left to the Galway SPCA are also tax free so leaving a gift to us can help reduce the tax payable on your estate. The full amount left to our charity will go towards helping the animals in our care.
If you would like to ask any questions about our Charity or the work that we do before leaving a legacy, please feel free to reach out by emailing trustees@galwayspca.com
We’re forever greatful to those who have already left a legacy towards the animals in our care and their selfless acts will always be remembered.