About Us
Galway SPCA has been an active force in Animal Welfare in Co. Galway for over 20 years. We are a registered Charity and a Not for Profit organisation.
Charity No. CHY 12478

Why we do what we do
Our fundamental aim is to reach as many animals that find themselves in need, through neglect, abandonment, abuse or simply at risk due to a change of circumstances, as our resources allow.
Alongside our main aim is a strong ethic of Education - education to encourage responsible ownership, to inspire a compassionate and caring society that recognises all animals as sentient beings and to give them the respect they deserve.
We strive to create an environment in which we do not need to exist!
Whilst our main focus is on companion animals, we support recognised agencies working in animal welfare areas that we do not have the facilities or resources for.
The Galway SPCA is proud of its tradition of using its voice to speak out in cases of animal injustice and will continue to support recognised campaigns to raise standards

What we can't do
As an animal welfare organisation, we do NOT have the right to enter people's property, or enter onto private land.
We, just as any member of the public have to ask for assistance from authorities with that power. We do have a good understanding of Animal Welfare legislation of course, and a good network of officers but we are not authorised ‘Inspectors’.
If you have a strong concern for the well being of an animal or animals, please by all means contact us and we will advise on what course of action is available, suggest contacts who may be able to help, or where we can (resources and law allowing) will intervene.
It is also important to note that our priority at all times lies with the animals already in our care, and the well being of those charged with looking after them. It is not responsible to bring into our care more animals than we can properly house or care for.
The above is why we feel prevention, through education is the key element for the future.

Where we are based
Killmor | Briarhill | Athenry | Ballinasloe
Our main base is our sanctuary, between Killimor and Portumna, where we care for dogs. Our cattery is located in Briarhill Business Park. This capacity is supplemented by dedicated foster homes.
We have three charity shops, one in Briarhill, another on Main Street, Ballinasloe and one on Barrack Street, Athenry.
We have a small core of dedicated employees supported by a wonderful group of Volunteers.

How are we funded?
We are self-funded, relying on donations both monetary and supplies (please see our Wishlist), fund-raising activities and homing contributions/adoption fees help prepare our animals for homing. Without your support, we simply could not exist.
We are fortunate to date to have received an Animal Welfare Grant from the Department of Agriculture annually. In 2019, we were awarded as "Charity of the Year" by Burn’s Pet Nutrition and are grateful for their ongoing support.
You can also help us raise funds by shopping and donating quality items to one of our shops. We have one at Barrack Street in Athenry and another on Main Street, Ballinasloe. We have a small team of full and part time employees whose commitment to the Galway SPCA and its animals is legendary, supported by an amazing team of volunteers, enabling us to offer consistency and reliability to the care of our animals.
Our annual accounts are readily available via the Charity Regulator Website. For any further information on the operation of Galway SPCA, please e-mail trustees@galwayspca.com