Cloudy and Rain

Age: 9 months

Cloudy is an adventurous little girl who loves a game of chase with her siblings. To quote Shakespeare, "though she be but little she is fierce" - she won't take any nonsense from a sibling or anyone else. If Cloudy decides she wants to do something then she will. Though mostly grey and white in colour, there is a hint of dilute tortie in her - beware that mix!

Rain is a born hunter, if there's something on the floor she will investigate it thoroughly and if necessary, she'll show it who's the boss around here!

Her ideal toy is a bit of balled up paper or plastic wrapper - she'll carry it around so her siblings can't get at it then she'll make sure it's well and truly defeated.

Like all good ladies, Rain has her boundaries and doesn't like her head to be touched, but absolutely loves it when you stroke her back.

In compliance with DAFM legislation, the GalwaySPCA unique certificate number is GPT200022C.