
Ashford was found straying around the streets of Tuam in March. He was taken to the County Pound and we made a promise to help him. Unfortunately that promise proved quite difficult to keep as every time we rehomed a dog that freed up a kennel space, reports of abandoned and injured dogs just kept coming and we had to make them our priority. Knowing Ashford was safe and being well cared for in the County Pound made it easier but we still wanted to get him out and, finally, after nearly 3 months of waiting, Ashford arrived at our sanctuary in June. Our thanks to all at the County Pound for their patience.

A young Saluki x Whippet boy of approximately 14 months old, Ashford is a bit smaller than some of our other hounds. He has the most amazing personality and brings the two wonderful sides of his breed together in one dog. He loves his zoomies, playtimes and walks but equally loving his chill time ,snoozes on the sofa and cuddles. Ashford gets on well with all the dogs he has met though does like to play in your typical houndy style. He is great on the lead, hops in and out the van and is confident out and about in town.

Ashford is the ideal first hound for all those people who have never owned one but may have thought about it!! He could live with another dog as long as they are up for some rough and tumble play or as an only as long as he has quite a bit of human company throughout the day. With his sweet, affectionate nature we see no reason why Ashford would not make a great family dog with children. He needs a fully secure garden and indoor home.

If you have pondered the idea of adopting one of the many, many sighthounds in rescues across the country, I'm sure those who are already "addicted" to this truly wonderful breed will be only to happy to recommend one.

Here's hoping for Ashford.

In compliance with DAFM Legislation, the Galway SPCA unique certificate number is GPT200022C.

Ashford’s Microchip number can be provided on request.