Shein, now Barley

Many of you will remember our late night rescue from the forests of Lough Atorick a few weeks ago where over two days we successfully rescued 3 dogs. Shein, Temu and Etsy. All abandoned, all terrified but safe.

Our kennel team worked exceptionally hard to win them round and Shein was the first to realise that he was now safe and loved becoming quite the cheeky character by the end of the first week.

Mary had applied for one of our dogs but we could see from her application it just wasn’t a match but we immediately knew someone who we thought was!!


Mary, her sister and their 15 year old terrier Ollie came for a meet and greet with Shein and all went amazingly well and a week later once Shein was fully recovered from his neuter, he happily trotted off with Mary to start his new life. A life where he will always be loved, always be safe and always know he now has a family of his very own.

Thank you Mary for choosing to adopt and for giving Shein, now Barley, a much needed second chance in life.


#rescuedog #kindnessmatters



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