
You may have read Sandys story when we agreed to help Sandy and his current owner find him a new home. Sandys first owner sadly passed away due to illness and Sandy went to live with another family member. He also lost his doggie sister Pippa too during that time. One year on and once again, due to illness, Sandy and his new Mum needed our help to ensure Sandy was receiving all the time, care and love he deserved. After chats with our kennel manager his owner knew she was making the heartbreaking but right decision for Sandy going forward.

We had lots of lovely applications for 8 year old Sandy but one stood out for us. Enter the Whyte Family from Cork who, after a home check, arrived at our sanctuary last weekend to meet Sandy and to reassure his owner that they would love and cherish him always.

It was an emotional time for everyone and there were many tears shed in Pacos Den that morning as goodbyes were said, new hellos were made and a friendships, of sorts, were established because that’s the beauty of us dog lovers, we know just how hard it is to say goodbye, even when it is in the dogs best interest.

Sandy arrived at his new home in Cork, where funnily enough his new sister Pippa (ironic, we know) was waiting happily to welcome him. We hear that Sandy has settled in beautifully, is back out loving his walks and loves having another dog to snuggle up to again.

We try to make these difficult but genuine rehomings as easy, respectful and pain free for all involved, especially the dog, as none of us know what lays ahead on our life path. We would like to think we achieved that last week and everyone involved felt loved and supported.

We have no doubt there will be many updates between Sandys new family and his former owner showing just why “letting go” sometimes is in the dogs best interests.

Thank you to both families especially the Whytes who were so lovely and so respectful of the situation.



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