Reebok, now Cooper

A few months ago we were duped into taking 3 puppies that a "kind man" had found straying and "rescued". It was all lies as they actually belonged to him and the "rescue story" was his way of "dumping" his leftover pups freely onto us.
We've heard these stories a million times but we won't dwell on it and we found all 3 pups the most amazing homes and that's the important part.
Reebok was lucky enough to find his forever home in Dublin with Megan and Maurice. He now goes by the name of Cooper and is loved so so much by his Mum and Dad. Cooper has attended puppy classes at the DSPCA and as you can see he has most definitely taken a class in posing for the camera and who could say no to taking a photo of that handsome face.
From an unwanted pup to the most cherished pup.
Our grateful thanks as always to those wonderful humans who choose to adopt a rescue and restore our faith in humans.
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