Hip Hop

Our first rehoming of 2024 saw our little 7 year old pug x girl, Hip Hop, head off to her forever home and what a beautiful home it was too.

Kathleen was the only person to apply for Hip Hop, which was a little sad really, but we always say “you only need one application, if its perfect” and that was most certainly the case here.

Kathleen, her two daughters Layla and Madison, along with Billy Gruff their dog couldn’t wait to come and meet Hip Hop and they all thought she was the most beautiful dog ever, which really warmed our hearts, and Hip Hop loved them back. Without a backward glance at staff who had cared for her, she trotted off impatient to get going 😄

We hear that Hip Hop strutted into her new home, checked it all out, had a bath and settled happily down with her new family to watch a movie.

From a back yard breeding girl to one of the most loved little girls. Isn’t that what rescue is all about ❤️

Thank you Kathleen for your obvious love of dogs, for teaching your girls that it’s what’s on the inside that matters and for giving Hip Hop her first taste of home life and unconditional love ❤️

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#rescuedogs #adoptdontshop #StopTheBackYardBreeding #kindnessmatters

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