

Rehoming of our little terrier boy Clarke was everything a rehoming should be, joy, excitement and love. From the moment Paddy and Janet arrived to meet their “perfect match” Paddys excitement was heartwarming to see. As we approached the viewing area, with Clarke, we could hear Paddy telling Janet “Here’s our boy Janet, here’s our boy”. As the viewing progressed so did Paddys absolute joy that he had found a best friend.

On the few occasions that Janet got to say hi to Clarke she was told “to stop hogging his dog” 🤣 Paddy told us all about his plans to have Clarke sleeping on his legs and how Clarke would accompany him down to the ponies for chats and much more. As the joy and laughter rang around Pacos Den, we couldn’t help but be so very grateful that we had got to play a part in putting the biggest smile on Paddys face, and Clarkes, knowing that rescue dogs are simply the best 🥰

From a forgotten stray on the streets, that nobody knew, to a little boy so very much wanted, needed and loved by his new Mum and Dad (that’s if Paddy allows Janet 🤣) And as we watched Clarke potter off with Paddy across our carpark we were reminded of all that is good in this world.

May Clarke, now Dizzy, continue to bring much joy to two of the loveliest humans we have had the pleasure to meet




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