
Little Cheese came to us as a stray from the streets where she had been seen running in fear for many weeks before finally being caught.
We had kept an eye on her story but at the time of her capture we sadly had no kennels free so she went to the city pound. Our kennel manager contacted the dog warden and promised to give Cheese the next available space.
That space became available on the 23rd December and when we arrived for Cheese she was sharing with a little terrier so we took them both, the last two out of the pound.
Cheese was, initially, a very shy little girl who had no idea what it was to be loved and cuddled but we set to work to change that and we watched in joy as the scared, shy little stray from the streets starting to blossom into a fun, happy and loving girl.
A couple of weeks ago Cheese had two special visitors, Chris and Helena, who knew that they would have to take things slowly with Cheese, due to her shyness of new people and new things. And that's exactly what they did. An hour later we were waving goodbye to all 3 as they started their new journey together as a family.
It took a little time for Cheese to understand that this was now her new life and family but, thanks to the kindness, love and patience of Chris and Helena, she is growing in confidence every day and learning to love her new life.
A big thank you to Chris and Helena for seeing past the nervous girl they first met and knowing that, with time, they would have the best little dog ever.
We wish you all many happy, fun filled adventures together.
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