

In mid December we were asked to help a young, terrified Springer Boy in Waterford Pound. He arrived, we named him Blarney and left him curled up in a corner shaking and trembling but at this stage it was the kindest thing we could do to allow him the space and time to process everything. Blarney remained in that corner for quite a few days and whilst we let him out as far as the garden outside his door, we kept our contact to a minimum as he was still terrified. Over the following days we got to see what worked best for him and we tried to find something, anything that would allow him to forget that fear and we found them. A ball AND other dogs.

So that’s how we progressed and slowly, but surely, we could see the fear leaving Blarneys eyes and body and in it’s place we saw joy and a new little bit of confidence and one day we invited a couple with their Spaniel, Mitch, up to meet Blarney. Kate and Joe had expressed an interest in Blarney from the word go but understood that it may be sometime before we felt he was ready to meet a potential family. We are so thankful we waited because we stood and watched with pride as Blarney met Kate, Joe and Mitch with a waggy tail and asked them for cuddles.

It has been a couple of weeks since Blarney waved us goodbye as he headed off home with his new family and they are still working through some adjustments but both Kate and Joe are thrilled with their new addition, as is big brother Mitch. While Blarney may never be brave enough to be everybodys best friend or want to be out in busy situations, his family understand that and they love him for the sweet gentle, affectionate, playful boy he is 🥰

We are so grateful to all the people who adopt one of our dogs but especially to those who take on the less confident, the less straightforward and work at giving them the best life ever.

The best of wonderful days and memories to you all🥰



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