Those who follow us regularly will be familiar with our 3 long termers, Lamu, Phuket and Isaiah.
Lamu is 3.5 years old has spent 806 days in kennels and is probably the least trusting of the 3, an extremely energetic but a great girl and given time and will definitely need another dog, quiet household and secure spaces to run.
Isaiah is 11.5 years old and has spent 782 days in kennels. He is fit and healthy, loves to run but needs a potential adopter to visit a few times before he allows you to be his friend. He needs a quiet household no kids, no cats, rural and secure.
Phuket is 8 years old and has spent 1,201 days in kennels and is our happiest resident. He is the most affectionate boy in our sanctuary once he knows you. He doesn’t like the outside world or noises so again a very quiet human home, with no kids or cats and a rural, secure setting. He is a boy who would be your most loyal best friend with patience.
Longtermers but the 3 happiest dogs in our sanctuary because for us it has always got to be about a quality of life.
Longtermers simply because no one has ever applied to adopt Phuket, one person has applied for Isaiah and being fluffy and pretty meant Lamu has had a few enquiries but none deemed suitable.
Longtermers because all 3 have trust issues unless someone is willing to take the time to visit them regularly, before we would even consider letting them go.
Longtermers because all need rural homes where they will not be expected to socialise in busy urban environments as they just cannot cope with too many people .
Longtermers because lets face it, not only have they a few special but workable requirements, they are also Sighthounds which every rescue is full of and still not most peoples first choice when adopting a rescue dog.
Longtermers who are loving, kind, gentle,affectionate, fun, loyal and just the bravest most resilient souls ever that we love dearly and who love us back every single day.
Longtermers who IF the right application came in we would willingly work with those applicants to ensure a smooth and easy tranistion into home life but they will need to understand it will take a few visits for Isiah and Phuket and Lamu will be the hardest for anyone to win over.
We will never say never but, in the meantime, we continue to ensure all 3 feel safe, loved and enjoy their trips out to quiet areas with our kennel team.