Sushi's Story - One of Inspiration and Love

Sushi's Story - One of Inspiration and Love

5 weeks ago we received a call about a lurcher that was lying collapsed in a ditch just outside Claregalway. Two of our team headed straight away and what they found was just one of the saddest things. Lying there was a smallish, grey muzzled little lurcher grey whose ribs and spine were protruding through her skin and she was also very heavily pregnant.
We loaded her up and she was just so grateful to have comfy blankets to rest on.
No Collar
No Chip
We got her straight to our vets for a scan and while it was impossible to put an exact number on how many pups, we knew it was near 8 or 9. So now we had to start building her up and try to get some weight on her before she gave birth. She was given 5 feeds a day of good nutritional, home cooked meals, the last one at 10.30 pm at night.
Sushi was so delighted to have a warm bed, proper food and, most of all, she was delighted with all the kisses and cuddles she was now getting.  You couldn't find a more sweeter dog. And with each day Sushis pregnancy seemed to expand until she could barely walk. We were in constant touch with our vet over her ballooning body and as we could tell she had already had many litters we kept a close eye, even to the point of a staff member sleeping overnight next to her kennel.
On Friday 28th June Sushi started to give birth. She birthed 6 babies on her own and then seemed to be struggling a little so without hesitation we made an emergency trip to our vets with her. Sadly pup 7 was in an awkward position meaning Sushi couldn't birth him and with some help from Sara Vet he emerged but was sadly born sleeping.
After that Sushi began to push again and very quickly she gave birth to pup 8..9..10...11...12 🙈🙈 
At this stage our kennel manager was close to collaspe at the thoughts of what now lay ahead.
Sadly pup 13 was also born sleeping (girl) but Sushi hadn't finished yet ..along came pup 14 and 15!!
Sushi was absolutely exhausted but instinct took over and she bravely found the energy to clean and caress each of her babies. Later that evening we collected Sushi and her family of 13 bringing back to Heathlawn.
Unfortunately Sushi's milk was slow to appear and our kennel team faced up to the fact that for the foreseeable future it would be a fulltime job of bottle feeds on top of their everyday work but they pulled together to make it work.
Sadly at a week old we lost another pup.
Still on 5 feeds a day Sushi started to grow stronger and was producing more milk but with so many pups our team continued to help by bottle feeding the tiny ones.
Throughout all this Sushi let us know just how thankful she was for our help always nuzzling us as we sat beside her feeding her babies, licking our faces and hands as if to say "thank you". Because, without us, Sushi and all her babies would have died out there especially as Sushi had problems birthing pup 7.
Sushis 12 babies are now 4 weeks old.
For the last 5 days we have started them lapping on puppy formula and even added some soaked nuts, they are guzzling it down and we are hoping it will help take some of the pressure of Sushi as they are now quite demanding of her. And there isn't a more loving, more patient, braver, kinder mum than our Sushi. She has welcomed us into her babies from the very start as if she knows she needs us.
We are now feeding her babies 5 times a day with the last feed late at night and we are preparing for the weeks ahead as her pups grow bigger, stronger, hungrier, and more demanding.
We now have to juggle our whole sanctuary around because in another week their room will no longer be able to accommodate such a large litter so we have no choice but to move some of our other dogs out to boarding kennels to make space for the area we believe will be best suited to Sushi and her 12 pups.
Kennels are being taken a part in one area so they can have the space to develop and so our team can keep their area as clean as 12 pups will allow!!
Believe us, it will not be all fun and games trying to get in and out alive once they reach 8/9 weeks. But we are committed and full of passion to do our very best to ensure Sushi and all 12 babies complete their full circle with us, though we are realistic enough too to know these babies are not safe yet.
All we can, as a team, as a rescue, is do our very best and keep them as safe as we can and we have promised Sushi that we will find her the most amazing forever home.
We are at full capacity right now (actually over it) and our kennel team have been putting in extra early mornings, late nights and have given up their much needed days off just so we can get through each day giving the absolute best care to each and every dog in our sanctuary. They are still going out to emergencies and still trying to bring abandoned dogs to safety.
With so many dogs (and lots of other animals in our care) we are facing higher than usual feed/vet bills/running costs. We have added our donate links below and we would be so very grateful to anyone who could donate towards these costs.
Thank you and we promise to bring you all regular Sushi and family updates now we have finally got round to introducing them to you all.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the most amazing Veterinary Team who got Sushi and her babies through the birth.
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