So many of you, very kindly, got behind this little Saluki girl that we took from a Pound with a badly broken leg.
We named her Persia and last week she had her operation to insert pins to mend the broken bones.
Persia has perked up a lot in the last week and while she is still a little wary, we are definitely seeing her cheekier side start to emerge (hopefully not too much as Persia still needs to stay calm and quiet for her leg to heal) .
Her stitches are due out at the end of this week and then she will continue to be carefully monitored and kept on toilet breaks only for the next 2 months.
There is no fast fix and there are often relapses but for now all is looking good for Persia

Once again, our heartfelt thanks to those who donated towards Persis operation and care. We are truly grateful for your help

So many of you, very kindly, got behind this little Saluki girl that we took from a Pound with a badly broken leg.
We named her Persia and last week she had her operation to insert pins to mend the broken bones.
Persia has perked up a lot in the last week and while she is still a little wary, we are definitely seeing her cheekier side start to emerge (hopefully not too much as Persia still needs to stay calm and quiet for her leg to heal) .
Her stitches are due out at the end of this week and then she will continue to be carefully monitored and kept on toilet breaks only for the next 2 months.
There is no fast fix and there are often relapses but for now all is looking good for Persia

Once again, our heartfelt thanks to those who donated towards Persis operation and care. We are truly grateful for your help