Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia or Mia, a she is affectionately known came in with raw paws, a belly full of parasites and an ear infection.
She had been laying on a green for hours crying and was just about ready to give up. As the other ailments healed and she continued to grow into the most adorably affectionate little sweetie. But try as we might her ear infection just would not heal. She made daily trips to the vet and met many, many admirers in the waiting room all resulting in home offers and adoration. But, without knowing the cause of her ear infections, we had to put a pin in any thoughts of a forever home.
Last week while being spayed the vets took the opportunity to have a deeper look into Mia's ear and found the cause. Polyps. Nasty growths inside her ears that are causing her pain and infection. Several attempts were made to remove them, but unfortunately they are deeply embedded and will require her to see a specialist to have them removed. All surgery comes with risks and Mia's is no different but the reward for her will be a life free of pain and finally being able to find her forever home.
The surgery will cost about €1000 and we are asking for your help. We understand that everyone is feeling the pinch right now but even a euro or two, or the price of a coffee would make a difference.
And for those that really can't afford it if they could share this and spread the word, that support would mean so much and all would help in reaching that goal for Mia.
We have set up a gofund me for Mia
and other options to donate are available on our website
Please help us help Mia