Marcel - Graphic Photos

*Warning – Graphic photos*

Another day, another act of cruelty and neglect.

Last night as our kennel team wrapped up for the night and headed home to their own families and animals, a call came in from a member of the public who, while driving home on a country road, spotted something moving ahead of him near the ditch. What he found was a little French Bulldog who he could immediately see was underweight and uncared for. His first thought was why would anybody dump a dog like this ? It soon became clear why as he went to lift him up and into his car. This sweet boy was dumped because he had suffered a prolapse. He took him home and that was when we received the call.

After an already long day at the kennels, our manager turned her car around and headed out to collect this poor boy. Despite the pain this boy was in he just wanted to snuggle up in her arms and give her kisses.  This prolapse hadn’t happened just that day, the smell of rotting flesh was unbearable as she drove quickly to the vets who were awaiting his arrival. Our vet confirmed this was indeed 4 or 5 days old, the flesh had started to rot and agreed that this poor boy must have been in agony. He was rushed straight into emergency surgery at 9pm to have his rectum put back in and stitched.

Now we wait and hope that he will be able to toilet and that it will stay in. Prolapses often get pushed back out as the dog strains to toilet. Our grateful thanks to the amazing team at A Country Practice Vet Clinic for their care and love and for always being there.
This highlights the immense level of cruelty towards animals in this country that somebody chose to ignore this boys suffering and instead of seeking veterinary help or calling a rescue, they chose to drive him to a quiet laneway and throw him into a ditch. That act in itself is hideous for any animal but to do it knowing this beautiful boy was in agony and would more than likely die if not found as his prolapse rotted and got even more infected is simply disturbing. Evil truly does walk amongst us and we are, sadly, no closer now than we were many years ago in eradicating such evil acts and bringing those responsible to justice.

No Chip
No Collar
No Accountability
Back yard breeding 😣

We have named him “Marcel” and we are all rooting that this fab little boy can overcome the horrific abuse he has been dealt and come home to Heathlawn where we will nurse him back to full health before finding him a forever home that will love him the way he deserves to be loved.

If anyone can help towards Marcels veterinary care and ongoing care we would as always be so very grateful.
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This matter has been bought to the attention of the local Gardai as it is a criminal offence to dump an animal.
If anyone has any information on who may have owned this little boy, please contact us on 087 2765690, in strict confidence.
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