Conan - The Story of his Rescue

In May, this beautiful boy was first spotted straying around fields near Kiltullagh. He was in full flight mode and disappeared anytime he saw someone. We received the call Saturday morning and suggested ways to ignore him for now, whilst setting up a feeding station and keeping a close eye from afar. Our kennel managers number was given to the Kiltullagh Community group and we asked for updates.

On a Sunday evening he was lying in a field behind a house and stayed there so working with Mairéad, the home owner, he was fed and watered. He stayed in that field all down Monday, despite the miserable weather, again fed and watched closely by Mairéad who was relaying video and photo evidence to our kennel manager.

Then on Monday evening he wandered 2 doors up to another garden and Katie sent us videos and photos. Again we suggested she continue to ignore him and just allow him to just wander. At this stage all we wanted was for him to feel safe in the that hope he would choose these fields and gardens of caring people. We could see from the videos he was limping and within the hour he was up at Katies back door looking in, though still very unsure.
This is where Katie played such an important part in the rescue of this boy. Still in touch with us she did everything we suggested, staying quiet and calm while letting this boy make up his own mind on whether this was a safe place or not. By doing all this and leaving her patio door slightly open, he finally decided he liked the look of kind Katie and wandered in to her sofa. He was now safe.

He stayed overnight and we went to collect him. A beautiful, sweet and kind boy who nobody seems to be missing.
He was chipped but both numbers on his chip are no longer in use so he has become another “John Doe” in a very long line of dogs that nobody seemed to own or know.

Conan (named by his rescuers) is a Bavarian Scent Hound who is only 3 years old but seems so much older.
A big Thank You to the community of Kiltullagh for working together to ensure this boy stayed safe and on the radar, especially Mairéad and Katie.

This is teamwork at its best and an insight into what goes on behind the scenes in many rescue cases which is often a long game to get the end result.

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