Cat Neutering Scheme

Cat Neutering Scheme 2024 is live and, as with previous years, spaces are limited and you must book directly with one of the vets listed below.
When the spaces are full they are full, no exceptions, no extras.
We would love to offer more and be in a position to help everyone but manpower and funding can only stretch so far.

Each of the vets listed below have kindly offered to assist us and we ask you are respectful and patient when making your appointments as they are all very busy practices and are only able to offer the spaces they have been allocated.

#KittenSeasonIsHere #spayandneuter #ifyoufeeddontletthembreed #catsdeservebetter #morethanjustacat #neuteringsaveslives #spayonecatsavesthousands

To Book Contact:

Briarhill Vets, Briarhill Galway – 091 380 000
Ballyhugh Vets, Gort – 091 632 722
Craughwell Vet, Craughwell – 089 4068707
Divilly Vets Headford – 093 365 01
Gorteen Acres, Athenry – 091 844 209
Moran Court, Ballinasloe – 090 963 1244
Moran Court, Mountbellew – 090 967 9319
The Pet Vet, Ballinderren – 091 485 358
Railway Vets, Loughrea – 091 841 935
Tom Rennicks., Tuam – 093 245 46

The cost is €30 for a male and €40 for a female.

You pay directly to the vets on the day of your appointment and we cover the rest of the cost of the neutering.
Thank you to the Vet Practices for their continued support!

We offer a trap rental scheme from our Galway office for those of you looking to avail of this offer to neuter the more shy cats in your community.
We only have a certain number of traps so we ask that you again are patient and also punctual in returning the traps as their will be others waiting.

Call our office on 091-563631, leave your name and number and a member of our team will be in touch to help organise a trap.

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